Our Dog Benny Needs A New Home – by Emma Everson

Our Gorgeous Benny.
Our Gorgeous Benny.
I am very excited about going away for a year but there is one major downside… we have a dog named Benny, and he needs to go to a new home.
Benny is our dear pet.  He has a gorgeous thick mane of fur and sparkling eyes that makes his facial expression look like he’s always smiling. He’s now 6 years old and weighs in the 5-6lb range.
Benny as a puppy

This is Benny as a pup. He was born Oct 2006.

Benny is very bright he  follows commands such as: sit, stay, down, heal, come, off, upstairs (if you say this he will come up stairs), bedtime and outside. He will paw at the kitchen cabinet for water (right below the sink) and if you don’t give him water in the course of roughly 10 min he will paw at the bathtub to make you understand what he wants.
Benny is kenneled in the evening and will patiently wait to be let out in the morning.
Benny has been taken to the vet on an annual basis.  We give him Trifexis on a monthly basis to prevent heartworm, intestinal worms and fleas the vet suggests. He will follow me around the house. He is very nice company.
This is Benny now.
This is Benny now.
Who do we think would be the best fit for Benny?  Our feeling is that he’d be best for a single lady or quiet couple looking for a loving companion.  Benny is an excellent alarm dog, requires little to no walking and loves company.  Benny grew up in a house with two young children who have loads of friends over, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend a new home with children.  Benny tends to be underfoot (he zigs when he should zag) and if a child isn’t used to this, he can get stepped on and hurt.
We are not leaving for our trip until September but we feel that we would like to take our time to find the proper home for him. Should the first placement not ‘work out’ for whatever reason, we’ll happily take him back and continue our search. We want Benny and his new family to be happy. We are also very open to foster placement whereby we would be happy to take him back when we return in a year should the foster home not want to keep him forever.  We have no problem transporting him to his new home, if necessary.
Please contact us if you are interested or know of someone who might be interested.
This is ‘playful’ Benny.
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